Friday, 18 October 2013

Bo Ya Tto Su Ru(blockhead) | ぼ や っ と す る(まぬけ)

TPAMディレクション 大平勝弘ディレクション参加作品
メンバー:佐々木文美(快快)、Orawan Arunrak、T・U、Unchalee Anantawat、遠藤豊
主催:国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜 2013 実行委員会
Katsuhiro Ohira Direction in TPAM 2013
Direction: Chiharu Shinoda
Crews: Ayami Sasaki (FAIFAI), Orawan Arunrak, T.U, Unchalee Anantawat, Yutaka Endo
Organized by: Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama 2013 Executive Committee
The unnamable things stand in front of standard, and overflow from it too. We cannot see and hear them without the distance from standard, since we cannot name them. Signs, sympathies, unsure happiness, unattended violence, uncomfortable relief ― these things, whose names we cannot spell out, are celebrated from justice evermore. Justice is established by the mortgage (montage) of the unnamable things evermore too.

Copyright © Shinoda chiharu.